Verdemont Neighborhood Association Statement
The Verdemont Neighborhood Association is a group of residents in the Verdemont area of San Bernardino. Generally, Verdemont is considered to be West of University Parkway and North of Kendall.
Our Mission is: To make our neighborhood safe, beautiful, and vital.
We have meetings throughout the year. It should be understood that the meetings are to highlight VNA area concerns and have officials/professionals as guest speakers who can assist us with our concerns. The VNA encourages residents to take part in the local political process; the VNA is not a political action committee.
The VNA understands that some meetings or topics may touch a political subject but it’s understood that the VNA meeting will be apolitical. Open and honest discussion is encouraged in the VNA however, discussion within the meeting is to remain civil and professional. Those who cannot retain their composure or professionalism will have their topic tabled and the subject will be approached again at a future meeting when the discussion can continue calmly and without rancor.